All Ability Academy

Canberra United All Abilities Academy is the first dedicated football academy for people with a disability in the ACT. The Academy, which is believed to be the first all-ability football academy aligned with either a Hyundai A-League or Westfield W-League club, is open to all footballers with cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury or symptoms acquired from a stroke.

Nineteen footballers have joined the Academy to train twice a week with accredited coaches at Hawker Football Centre.

The Academy provides participants with real opportunities to represent Capital Football at the CP Football Nationals and the FFA National Futsal Championships.


Greg Hibberd, Jason Driscoll, Adam Cunningham, Adam Harty, Jayden Wallace-Bourne, Ashby Gardiner-Garden, Olivia Runting, Ethan Sonter, Matilda Mason, Nathan Howard, Christian Valeri, Adrian Araya, Luke Summerfield, Luc Launder, Isaac Wilcox, Shaun Gower, Andrew Hoatson, Patrick Heath Jeffery


For more information, please contact Capital Football’s Head of Game Development Kelly Stirton via email or via phone (02) 6260 4000.