
Porter: Embrace this beautiful sport

The Member for Ginnindera, Mary Porter, has thrown her support behind Westfield W-League’s Canberra United for the upcoming season and is encouraging the rest of the football family to join her.

To Players, Members and Supporters of Capital Football,

I am writing to express my support for Capital Football. Just a few short weeks ago, I met with Capital Football CEO Heather Reid and Event Manager Sarah Body in my office to discuss a variety of issues of interest to us all. I am an enthusiastic supporter of Capital Football and I believe that the future is bright.

Sport plays an important role in our society- we Australians love sport! Sport binds us and unites us, contributes to our sense of community and encourages us to lead healthy lifestyles. As you would all know, young Canberrans are participating in football in great numbers, so I believe that Capital Football should be recognised for the key contribution that they are making to the Territory.

Truly global sports such as football can also be harnessed as vehicles for cultural exchange. I note with interest that Capital Football has organised an under 12 tour of South Korea for October this year. What a wonderful chance for our young people to enjoy a competitive opportunity whilst experiencing a rich and intriguing culture!

The new season for Canberra United will soon by upon us, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish the team the best of success for the forthcoming season. I will be in the stands cheering you on, the memory of last season-s epic performances still in my mind. Good luck, ladies!

Finally, I would like to encourage young Canberrans to embrace this beautiful sport and embrace the opportunities and experiences that it brings.

Keep kicking goals!


Mary Porter
Member for Ginninderra